tel:+39 393 7002318
Via Giovanni Falcone, 69, 47030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC)
+39 393 7002318
P.IVA 04118380403
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Reproductions to amaze
Capture attention in a bold and captivating way.
A completely original way of communicating that conquers and involves,
leaving an incisive and indelible message.
Reproduction of a Nike Air Max 3.26 in leather and fiberglass with box.
Dimension in meters
Shoe: L 1,55 mt x D 0,58 cm x H 0,65
Box: L 1,70 x D 1,00 x H 0,60
Imagine having to launch your new product / service, having to increase your visibility or make yourself known to a wider audience of people. You have to exhibit at a trade fair, set up a store, furnish your room and would you like ...
-Achieve the greatest degree of visibility possible.
-Amaze your customers, attract them and make them participate in an unforgettable experience.
- Remain in their memories for as long as possible.
Well! What you need is a large-scale reproduction of what you want to make known or show! You'll see, everyone will be amazed!
Reproductions of a Fender Stratocaster electric guitar made of fiberglass.
Dimension H. 2,00 mt x 60 cm
Three-dimensional reproduction in original 1:1 format of the beloved motorcycle rider Marco Simoncelli.
Made of fiberglass and airbrushed by hand.
Dimension H 1,98 mt
Reproduction of a work booot (faithful to the original), height 1,60 mt made in fiberglass